Rei means universal and Ki, energy.
Would you like to learn how to work with and enhance the natural energies that flow through your body, or indeed those of others and all your surroundings?
Then Reiki is the beginning of your journey, or enrichment of it if you have already done other energy healing courses.
It is a powerful method of relaxation, stress reduction and promoter of natural healing.
It works exceptionally well as an enhancement tool with other techniques too.
In these courses, you are attuned at the three levels (I, II and Master's) and receive sacred initiations, learn the symbols, how to perform a treatment (including Chakra Therapy) and the method for distance healing (focused on in Level II).
REIKI I - 2-day class
REIKI II - 2-day class
REIKI III - (One-year course of monthly 4-hr lessons to discuss the chamber (chapter) of self-masteryfor the month ahead and to treatment
- Full-colour course notes (including information on the history of Reiki, the Quantum Physical approach, the endocrine system in relation to the Chakras, common ailments and their underlying causes, the storehouse of emotions in the body etc.)
- "Hands on", in-depth training for how to perform an Usui Reiki treatment
- All healthy refreshments and luncheons (vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free etc. - please advise of any specific requirements)
(The topic of my thesis for my Master's degree through the University of Sedona was
so the scientific and metaphysical aspects are strongly focused on in the understanding of the process of healing.)
Would you like to learn a technique of energy healing that works at the deepest levels of Body, Mind and Soul?
Then the gentle but profound Antaneea Technique is for you!
This powerful therapy facilitates the release of negative patterns and links of thought, behaviour and events or situations.
You are taught how to support, guide and facilitate healing in the client through the process and to use the tools of the treatment including:
* Basic counselling
* Colour Therapy (please see the info on the Colour Therapy course next/below which is incorporated into, and forms a great part of, Antaneea)
* Physical Body Therapy
* Chakra and Aura Therapy
* Angelic Therapy
* Sound Therapy
This combination of modalities facilitates life-changing shifts and transformations, allowing the person to move into a new state of "being" and a happier more purposeful way of life.
The topic of my thesis for my Master's degree through the University of Sedona was
so the scientific and metaphysical aspects are strongly focused on in the understanding of the process of healing.)
Thanks to our human ability to perceive the visible light spectrum of seven colours and the hues and shades thereof, reality itself seems surreal at times. Even although we see only a narrow band of the full colour spectrum, the vast array of colours that exist within the realm of the human experience gives life its wonderment.
It’s strange to think not every living thing sees reality in the same way. There are species of animals that only see ultraviolet light, whereas others only see infrared. On the other hand, there is a type of shrimp that has 16 colour-receptive cones compared with the 4 that we humans have, giving way to what is surely a much more dramatic experience of the world for the crustacean! What a psychodelic trip that must be!
Healing With Colour
Colour Therapy is a form of healing that utilises different colours to bring about certain intended and desired effects. It is a holistic, non-invasive and powerful therapy which dates back thousands of years, evidence of which is found in ancient texts from countries such as India, China and Egypt.
The manner in which colour works as a therapeutic agent lies in the fact that colour is essentially light of varying wavelengths with each colour having its own range of frequencies which all have a certain effect on the body in many ways. The energy radiating out of this light affects all living cells and, used in the right way, the different frequencies of light, i.e. colour, can have a profound and healing effect on all forms of being, be they plant, animal, human, or otherwise.
The wavelengths of the frequencies of light determine what hue a colour is. For example, a long wavelength and low frequency within the colour spectrum creates the colour red whereas a short wavelength and high frequency creates the colour violet.
The seven colours of the spectrum visible to humans (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet – or ROYGBIV for short) are attributed to the corresponding seven primary energy fields (Chakras) of the body, with red being at the Base field and violet being at the Crown field. Since colour is made up of differing wavelengths and frequencies, it will be absorbed not only through the eyes but also through the skin and these various energy fields of the human body.
Using Colour For Elevated Well-being
As we absorb colour energy not only through the eyes but also through the skin and the various energy fields, colour therapy can be used on the body in a number of different ways. As with any therapy, each therapist may have his or her own ‘style’, however, a number of common methods used are:
* Massaging/applying coloured oils
* Colour readings to evaluate a person’s state of Body, Mind or Soul
* Placing colour on the body or wearing clothes of a particular colour
* Directing coloured light onto the body
* Drinking colour-treated water
* Meditating on or with colour
* Performing colour breathing techniques
In Egyptian mythology, it was said that the god Thoth founded the art of healing with colour.
In Greek mythology, this individual was called Hermes Trismegistus.
According to Hermetic tradition, ancient Egyptians and Greeks used crystals, stones, and minerals for healing. They even coloured their healing clinics with a variety of vibrant colours. They believed that disease was a result of an unbalanced system. Colour was therefore used for healing and restoring balance.
Around the beginning of the first millennium, there was an Arabian physician named Avicenna who further advanced healing with colour. According to him, colour was crucial to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Just as there were colours which were therapeutic in a given situation, so there were also colours which were not.
For instance, if an individual had a nosebleed, looking at the colour red would make it worse whereas blue would subside the bleeding and reduce blood flow.
During the Renaissance, there was a great deal of interest in colour healing too. Paracelsus was a renowned physician who believed light and colour were essential for the well-being of an individual and used them much in his medical practice.
(Please refer to the internet for more information on the history of Colour Therapy - an easy starting point is on the site:
Today, Colour Therapy has found a resurgence of interest as more people seek out wellness programmes and techniques that incorporate all the body’s systems on a holistic platform.
It is a well-known fact that businesses use colour to their advantage, such as red and yellow in fast food stores to make people hungry but not relaxed so that they eat and leave quickly.
It is also common knowledge that a colour such as blue is very soothing and can make an individual feel cooler in a hot environment.
Colour Therapy can be used for a variety of problems, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.
It is a holistic treatment that should be an integral part of one’s everyday life for ensured health and well-being.
Is it too far to suggest that the sky is blue or that foliage is green because these colours in these aspects of reality bring about the greatest benefit to the environment and all that is contained within it? The colours of nature strongly suggest that colour is an important part of life for all living things.
If you would like to know more about the importance of colour for your own journey or for utilising as a healing tool in your practice, this course is a wonderful way of entering the magickal, healing world of colour!
The topic of my thesis for my Master's degree through the University of Sedona was
so the scientific and metaphysical aspects are strongly focused on in the understanding of the process of healing.)
Anatomy and Physiology as related to the metaphyical body for the
holistic practitioner.
This is an exciting new way of learning this subject. The course is tailor-made for practitioners of all holistic modalities to develop a deeper understanding of the beautiful creation you work on and with!
It is a novel approach to the subject, seeing it through the eyes of the holistic practitioner and specifically relating it to the field of complementary health.
The programme leads you through a series of easy-to-understand modules over four lessons, each relating to the body's major Chakras. It explores all the structures and functions (as well as common dysfunctions) in each zone.
The course material is personally compiled by me - I am a qualified lecturer and assessor of this subject with 25 years' experience.
The aim of the programme is to provide an overview of the human body and its structures and functions but, more importantly, to relate that knowledge to an understanding of the subtle/etheric/energetic body and the physical and emotional ailments that may manifest due to disharmony or imbalance, and the interconnectedness of the two.
Each of the four modules (covering the 7 Chakric zones) identifies the following:
- Endocrine glands and their hormone secretions
- Major organs
- Nerve supply
- Blood supply
- Major bones
- Major muscles
• Once the above core knowledge has been covered, methods of redressing any imbalances using the following will be briefly explored:
- Colour Therapy
- Angelic Therapy
- Crystal Therapy
- Aromatherapy oils
- Specific meditations
- Yogic exercises
- Basic nutrition
The topic of my thesis for my Master's degree through the University of Sedona was
so the scientific and metaphysical aspects are strongly focused on in the understanding of the process of healing.)
A sensationalistic statement, I know – but here's the WHY’s and HOW’s:
In this modern life of ours we all suffer from repeated exposure to stress – whether it be through physical, mental/psychological or emotional onslaughts (and very often a combination of them). We have to deal with seemingly minor things such as fighting our way through traffic on a daily basis, worrying about being late for work, school or an appointment; the house alarm going off at night warning of possible danger; managing everyday admin (like dreaded and frustrating dealings with corporate institutions – yuck and double yuck!)… As we all know, this list can be just endless.
And then of course there are what we deem to be bigger issues such as work stress, financial worries, toxic relationships, divorce, illness and disease, ageing and/or death of loved ones, economic and political instability, and so on and on.
These things all wreak havoc with our adrenal health. ALL. THE. TIME. And by the way, the body cannot distinguish between what we define as minor or major stressors – it responds in the same way, regardless. In fact, it has become more and more apparent that it’s how we respond to the “everyday” things that have more of an impact on our health than anything else. The saying don’t sweat the small stuff seems to be the truth! (btw… a great little book by Richard Carlson to keep reminded of not getting wrapped up in the fiddle sticks of life.)
In our prehistoric Stone Age bodies (which were pretty much exactly the same as the ones we have now in terms of anatomy and physiology), if we humans were confronted with say a ferocious sabre-toothed tiger attacking us for a quick and tasty dinner, or being clubbed over the head and dragged off to a cave by a rival clansperson (see how PC I was there?), our adrenaline and cortisol levels would surge in order to enable us to respond in a self-preservasionistic way, ensuring (what was hopefully!) a good likelihood of survival, not only of self but of the species.
Our bodies have an inbuilt mechanism to deal with stress – as being able to handle it is absolutely essential to our survival – and the control centre of this vital function is found in the adrenal glands.
Adrenaline (aka epinephrine) is the hormone that triggers a particular part of our nervous system (the sympathetic nervous system, which is one half of what is called the autonomic nervous system) to be able to react with what is called the fight-or-flight response. When it is activated the heart, lungs, levels of blood sugar and many other things are directly impacted in order to enable us to deal with the stressor.
Another stress hormone, actually THE most important in the long-term scenario, is called cortisol and is also released when the body responds to a stressor. Cortisol is: instrumental in blood sugar regulation; responsible for the body’s inflammatory responses; regulates metabolism; and is linked to memory formulation (amongst many other functions).
Stress mobilises a combination of signals from both the nervous system (neurological) and the hormonal system (endocrine), which are very much interlinked, and signals are sent to cause the adrenal glands to release both adrenaline and cortisol.
The primary result is an increase in heart rate and energy as part of the fight-or-flight response and is the body’s way of preparing itself for a potentially dangerous or harmful situation. Once the threat passes, the hormones should return to their usual levels BUT, and it is a big but (♪and I cannot lie♪), when a person is under constant stress, this response doesn’t always turn off. In fact, the more stress a person experiences the less likely the response is to deactivate.
Long-term exposure to adrenaline, cortisol and the other stress hormones can wreak havoc on almost all of the body’s processes and increases the risk of many health issues, from heart disease and obesity to anxiety and depression, to the dreaded “C” word – all part of the condition that has come to be known as Hypoadrenia or Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).
In my energy healing work, I see PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), C-PTSD (Complex PTSD) and, as a common result, AFS, almost every day. Sadly, the incidence of the physical/psychological/emotional issues that bring it about is on the rise due to this frenetic, crazy, fast-paced, generally artificial world we live in.
I myself have experienced a degree of C-PTSD and subsequent AFS for a long time. After decades of exposure to almost constant enormous emotional upheavals coupled with some extreme physical expectations of my body, I finally had a minor heart attack a couple of years ago. I had already been addressing the C-PTSD professionally on multi-levels for many a year at that stage, and indeed had already been a practicing and teaching holistic therapist since the ‘80s, but the angina pectoris led me to start putting all the physiological puzzle pieces in place AND exploring as many ways as possible of healing myself naturally. I simply have too much to live for, especially as a single mother of three children!
My quest for more understanding and knowledge of this syndrome (of which curiously little is medically recognised) continues all the time, and it is my deepest wish to share what I already know (which is certainly not exhaustive – excuse the pun…) to encourage long-term natural healing for as many people as possible!
- What Are the Adrenals?
- What Causes Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?
- Hormonal Complications
- Holistic Connections (such as the Chakras)
- General Symptoms
- Specific Stage-related Symptoms
- AFS and Lower Back Pain
- Natural Remedies and Therapies
- Recovery Time
- Questionnaire and Scoring
- Stress Test (Life Change Index)
- Full-colour notes with loads of useful info
***If you would like to book this workshop as a talk for staff, friends, your healing centre etc., please feel free to contact me.
You may also purchase the notes without attending the workshop for R300.00. Please email me to arrange this: lucky336.lsn@gmail.com